An exhibition of the nominated artists for the BAZA 2024 Award for Contemporary Art
23 July – 6 September 2024

The BAZA 202
4 award winner is Tsvetomira Borisova

The Young Artist Award was first established in 1990 in the Czech Republic by the founder of the Civil Society Foundation (USA), Wendy Luers, on the initiative of Vaclav Havel. Today, it exists in twelve Central and Eastern European countries, united in the YVAA International Young Visual Artist Awards Network ( The award consists of a two-month artist residency at Residency Unlimited, New York, and a solo exhibition at the ICA-Sofia Gallery. The award is sponsored by the Trust for Mutual Understanding, New York.


The BAZA Award in Bulgaria was founded on the initiative of Maria Vassileva in 2008 and is administered by the Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia and the Edmond Demirdjian Foundation. From 2021, the Lachezar Tsotsorkov Foundation supports the nominated artists with funding for their projects.


The competition is open to artists up to 35 years of age. The jury, whose members are replaced every two years, selects between four and eight nominees. The exhibition of works by the selected artists is hosted by Sofia City Art Gallery. The winner is announced during the exhibition opening.

BAZA Award winners thus far include: Rada Boukova (2008), Samuil Stoyanov (2009), Anton Terziev (2010), Vikenti Komitski (2011), Leda Ekimova (2012), Kiril Kuzmanov (2013), Zoran Georgiev (2014), Aleksandra Chaushova (2015), Dimitar Shopov (2016), Martina Vacheva (2017), Martin Penev (2018), Valko Chobanov (2019), Maria Nalbantova (2020), Marta Djourina (2021), Krasimira Butseva (2022), Viktor Petrov (2023).

Members of the BAZA 2024 jury are: Aliza Edelman, Vasil Vladimirov, Dimitar Bojkov, Kalina Tsoneva and Maria Nalbantova

 An exhibition of the nominated artists for the  BAZA 2024 Award for Contemporary Art:
 Alexander Lazarkov, Diana Bunkin, Kristina Nenova, Nevelin Ivanov, rawlab (Radina Yotova and Roslana Yotova), Tsvetomira Borisova


Curator: Marina Slavova